Thursday, February 14, 2008

What I Would Like to Do, Eventually

Often I put off things until a later date – I guess you could call these the things that I would like to do. Others may call them the things on which I had procrastinated. (What if I was waiting for a rainy day?)

I consider my brother-in-law Jeff to be a non-procrastinator; he wanted to get the lizard out of the house, so he grabbed some tongs and removed it.

He’s also the one who used to help us put up and take down the Christmas decorations. If we would have done it my way, then we never would have needed to put them up and take them down because they would have been there all year long.


That's Jeff ^^^^

It has been written and said that we should not procrastinate the day of our repentance. That’s great advice, especially if we keep messing up (and we all mess up - I have yet to meet a perfect person.)

I do know some perfectionists who probably don’t put off things. I bet the kids in this incredible band don’t put off their practice.

Now Valentine’s Day is already here and almost gone. I wonder how many people are still out buying flowers and a card or some such. It’s the thought that counts, right?

In addition to all of the obvious benefits from not procrastinating, I like to consider (but don’t always live by) this great proverb: Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because if you like it today you can do it again tomorrow!

~~ Rainy Day Dave


Unknown said...

Our Living room looks so undecorated! How ugly.

Your funny.

Jeffrey D. Hale said...

Hey its the Christmas tree or should we just call it the decorative year round evergreen in the corner. haha