Friday, February 1, 2008

This Guy Scares the Crap Out of Me

I can’t put it any more plainly or simply than that. This guy is creepy and he scares the crap out of me – so much so that I often experience night terrors and nightmares in which he is chasing me. Typically during these sleep induced hallucinations I run in slow motion and Michael can always find me, no matter where I hide. If I have a gun, I can’t shoot him. If I try to shoot him, the bullets plop out in slow motion, like some horrible Matrix reenactment, except in these situations I desperately desire that the projectiles hurl toward him at 1200 fps.

Why then therefore do I continue to watch Halloween? I don’t anymore. I stopped watching those flicks after H2O, and the Zombie one doesn’t whet my bloody vessels.

~~ Chopped


Unknown said...

Do you think you can have your night terrors with out waking me up or creeping me out?

I will never forget when we were first married and you started screaming at the top of your lungs in the middle of the night, "WHO'S THERE? WHO'S THERE?" and then saying, "oh, it's you" and falling back asleep.

I just laid there shaking because I had fallen asleep and my brain was trying to process what was going on. Oh, and because I swear that place was haunted!

Dave from Boston said...

I thought you were Michael Myers, what, its not like I would have tried to shoot you.


~~ Watch Dog

Janna said...

lol you guys are so funny, meats I am loving your blog I cant help but laugh every time I read it and you know whats kinda wierd you write completly diferent than the way you comunicate verbally its like a totally different dave but yet the same dave that I am proud to call my best friend, its almost like Im getting to know you all over again......... As I write this I cant help but think...I must sound SO GAY right now, like Im writing to an old girlfriend or somthing professing some strange feelings never before admitted or somthing. I have to stop before I hurt myself.

Dave from Boston said...

Kid, you're gonna make cry.

Now I sound GAY! Well, I do love you. I love you dearly not queerly.

~~ Daveth

Janna said...

rotflmao kid you kill me

Dave from Boston said...

there's more...

Watauga Relief Society said...

AAAGGHHHHH! I HATE those movies. I hate them in my house more than any other movie ever!