Monday, January 28, 2008

A Moment for Memories

Rather than posting a joke which may or may not make you laugh, I would rather allow the laughter to arise from any joyful, fond, or even funny memory you may have about our beloved late Prophet, and please share them if you have any; thank you.

On my mission I had the benefit of hearing his inspired counsel on a tape which was made for one of his grandchildren. I can remember hearing him wisely remind the grandson to remember to smile, just smile to the good people of Germany. That's what I did, and that's what I still try to do to anyone with whom I come in contact.




Johnson and Co. said...

I remember a conference a few years back- someone was speaking at the podium, and President Hinkley nudged Monson, and made a joke which made them both laugh. He had a real sence of humor, and I hope someday I can ask him what he said.

Dave from Boston said...

Those are the best kind of moments, or like when they console each other, even with just a simple pat on the kneee.

~~ David