Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wow, this is pretty nice, I like this...

I'm really getting into this; for what have I been waiting!?! But that's the thing with me (if I may get a bit personal, I mean, this is a Web Log), sometimes I procrastinate. OK, I procrastinate a lot, and I sometimes get caught up in the small details or the insignifcant details. A few people, like my wife Jennifer (http://jennifer-chopelas.blogspot.com/), and some of my friends and family, like Adam and Janna, and Ellen (http://ellenpatton.blogspot.com/), have been encouraging me from the beginning to just write.

I enjoy writing and I enjoy sharing. This is a great formum to do both, and I can work on my Grammar along the way! So please be prepared for some experimentation in style, for some mistakes, and for some inevitable delays. You may also expect some stories, jokes, pictures, facts, ramblings, opinions, (oh wait, I already acknowledged that this is a Web Log). Anyway, I have a lot inside that I want to get out, and slowly some of it will end up on these pages.

Hope you enjoy,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So Dave...I love it!