Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallow's Eve


Tonight I hope I don't have Nightmares of Michael Myers chasing me...

~~ Trickster Treater

O ( *

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Settlin' Down in Foxborough

If you thought I was excited for last Monday's game at home on ESPN against the Broncos, just think how excited I am to actually be going to today's game against the Rams. Even better is that I have a great seat near mid-field, practically on the sideline.

I'm going with a friend from work who is picking me up in like 10 minutes, so I better get out of here and go get ready for an Awesome game! Thanks Brian and Chesterton!

~~ Fan of Being There


Friday, October 24, 2008

NES Dreams

You see, I never did have a Nintendo Entertainment System as a child, even as a child of the 80s. I had plenty of friends with them, though. And I was able to play it often, so I did become pretty good at many of the games.

I still have fond memories of sittin' over at Adam's, watchin' him play Super Mario Brothers, and then seein' him get killed. And then I see the controller go flyin' across the room, but not too far - because it was stuck to a cord.

I remember playing Contra with Jason and entering the unlimited life code: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, select, select, Start!

That's all for now...

~~ One Who Never Had NES Product But Always Had Sega Product


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What fun...

Well, the Patriots did indeed crush the Broncos! That was awesome.

Hey, remember these...?

Atari was my first game system, and I loved it! I wonder if I still have one them laying around in my parent's attic somewhere. To this day I wouldn't mind playing some of those games.

~~ Gamer of Old (I don't own an X-Box or PS3)

[ ]

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Monday Night Beatdown

I can’t wait - Monday night, ESPN, at home against the Broncos. I hope Denver makes sure to bring those waist pouches, because they’re gonna need to keep their busted-up hands warm while they sit on the sidelines and watch their team get beat down by the Pats.

~~ Choppin' Broncos

P.S. I know that this is a picture of the Jets getting beat.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Split Ends

This picture may look familiar because I used it once before in my Prologue post of Wood-frame Ninjas for my Saturday's Storyers. The three stars represented in front are, from left to right, Sean, myself, and Adam. We were like best friends growing up and we had many adventures together, many of which took place in the very building behind us and in the surrounding area. I could go on and on about the dry-docked sail boat explorations or the madcap moped trips, the brick ladder of dreams or the high-speed chases. What I would like to portray, though, is an image of split ends (note the 90's hairstyles), but not those kind of split ends!

The split ends of which I would like to relate have to do with that building, the Lynnfield Ward meeting house. Growing up, this is the ward I attended, and it is the new ward where I will again attend services since today the Arlington Ward split ends. For now, Lynnfield ward's boundaries have been extended to include Woburn and Winchester.

This truly is bitter-sweet because I will miss the Arlington ward and all of its members - I love that ward, but I also love the Lynnfield ward and I can't wait to go back.

In the end, I believe that things happen for a reason, and I look forward to new adventures and hopefully new friends and blessings. For those who are sadder than I, I hope that they can settle down and know that things will be fine, and soon they will be settled-down in their new home ward. Besides, this won't be the last time that the winds of wind blow.

~~ Spalato


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Here's a Sad Story

Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis:

Seems pretty tough to put a spin on this one, but I'm sure they did, and of course the biased media aren't going to jump all over it either.

~~ Sure I'm Frustrated

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mnemonic Snork

I remember the Snorks (not that I watched it all the time), and I remember that they seemed like the Smurfs under water. From what I further remember, both series had similar characters and themes. Now they're just a distant memory of a nearly forgotten cartoon.

The reason I thought of the Snorks is because I was thinking about Snorkeling - Jenn got me this great set for my B-Day and I never got to use it:

Now I can't wait for next year so I can go to the beach and break it in. Writing of which, Adam and I used to go Snorkeling all the time at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester. I love that beach, it is my favorite beach. Those were some great times: diving after stripers, trying to grab lobster tail, wading out to the island, floating down the river, boogieing through the waves, laying in the sun, walking on the sand, collecting star fish and sea glass. Oh, and people-watching. If only I lived on or near a beach or a lake! (I guess I kinda live close to both, but it would be cool to be even closer.)

~~ Mnemonic Snork


Monday, October 6, 2008

Apple Dumpling

Ok, so I finally decided to post a post again, and since today is Monday and Monday is my day for Mond'y Funnies, I decided to post this funny picture that my friend Jodi took whilst we were thusly apple-picking apples. (Note the quality of the picture due to their great lens.)

Now, since it has been soooooo long since I thusly posted any posts at all, I would like to share with any the joke that my friend Jesse, Jodi's man, shared with me. It goes like this,

"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?" (But before the persone can answer with a "who", you bust in and say...)

"The interrupting Cow!"

It is so funny, you should try it. Really.

Now, I will tell of a time when the weather was warm and the sun was shiny and the wind was whispy: Saturday we went apple picking with the Aldouses and had a great time, even though most of the accessible trees were bare. Nevertheless, we came away with a bounty of juicy fruits. We went to the land of Stow in MA to the farm of Honeypot. It was a great time, just as I wrote that we had a great time, it was a great time too. That's all for now.

~~ Apple Dumpling (That is the funny knickname that I gave myself for the picture)

P.S. If this is not at all funny to you, then please read it again in a deep voice.